
  • Drive Thru' tree, Legget, California

    A Date with Drive Thru Tree

    Chandelier Tree: A 2400 year old Coast Redwood Tree that you can drive through. Have you seen it or driven through it?...
  • A railway ride into a Redwood forest

    Train journeys from one town to another or one city to another; we’ve all done that. How about boarding a train to nowhere but the middle of a forest and back, that too, on an olden-day  steam locomotive? Better still — an open train that chugs through hundreds of...
  • The woods are lovely, dark and deep

    A Big Basin sneak peek.  That is exactly what this post is going to be.  This is from my very first visit to the Big Basin Redwood State Park in California. It was normal, fine looking day in San Jose, California when we decided to go see Big Basin....
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