Crossing borders

It was a day of crossing borders. Imagine going from California to Nevada, Nevada to California and back before going into California from Nevada one more time, all this...

It was a day of crossing borders. Imagine going from California to Nevada, Nevada to California and back before going into California from Nevada one more time, all this in one day.

It was a pleasure trip that we were on but crossing borders was not exactly the plan. The itinerary for the day was go for a cruise on Lake Tahoe. That’s it. However we crossed borders four times that day and at the end of the day, it just felt like fun.

When in Tahoe, we were put up in the City of South Lake Tahoe, CA. On day 2 of the little holiday, we had chosen to go on a cruise on the lake and our tour began on the other side of the border – NV. So after breakfast on the California side, we drove into Nevada.

There we did the cruise. We sailed into Emerald Bay on the California side and sailed back to the Nevada bank that we had set out from. Once we were done with the cruise, it was time to wrap up the holiday and head home. And as home was in California, we had to cross the border once again.

California from Nevada ๐Ÿ™‚


Dee (Divya): Blogger, Freelance Content Writer & Content Strategist. | ๐Ÿ“ธ Loves tripping.๐Ÿ›ฃ Tipsy from every TRIP!๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿซฃ | ๐ŸžFollow > for intoxicating virtual trips!๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿ˜‰
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