
  • Morro Bay

    Stay And Play at Morro Bay This Summer

    Morro Bay is an often-foggy and lovely seaside town on California's Central Coast. Find a list of things-to-do there, in this post. Happy Summer!!...
  • Glacier Point

    Up high: Washburn Point and Glacier Point

    On our maiden visit to Yosemite National Park, we had merely scratched the surface of that rocky attraction up on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada. It was a day trip and we couldn’t fit Glacier Point into it. Before and after that trip, I’d been seeing so...
  • Garden of the Gods

    Sculpted by nature: A Red-Rock Garden for the Gods

    While I was charting out my trip to Colorado — a few years ago— I completely missed ‘The Garden of the Gods.’ To this day, I don’t know how that happened. Now that it’s in my ‘been-there-done-that-list,’ I’m glad I didn’t go all the way there only to have...
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