I knew wasn’t going to see giant granites and jaw-dropping precipices here. But I must admit it was the name of the place that caught my attention, aroused my curiosity, and made me want to trip to Little Yosemite Area in Sunol, California. I just had to see why...
Today, let me take you on a quick walk through a part of a seaside city in Southern California to show you some street art from Ventura. ...
Death Valley NP-- the part in which we see Ubehebe Crater and other craters, alluvial fans, Mesquite Dunes and Borax Harmony Works......
Within this national park are areas called Furnace Creek, Badwater Basin, Funeral Mountains, Devil’s Golf Course and Devil’s Cornfield to name a few. Come, get tipsy from a trip to Death Valley....
Got Ventura plans? Here's a bit of what you might see at the San Buenaventura State Beach in Ventura, California. What to expect and some pictures, here. >>...
The next time you're driving down to Southern California, you might want to make a stop here. Here's a sneak peek at the views from this vista point. ...
A place for picnics, camping and hiking around a lake. A quick tour and tips for the trip. >>...
For Monday Mural: A photo feature on some utility box art found in Heavenly Village in Tahoe. ...
What exactly is Sutro Baths? What happened to the once-extravagant gift to San Francisco? What is there to see and do? Here's everything you need to know before you plan a trip to the baths....