Latest in: Art and Architecture

  • Grand Rooms Tour

    The Grand Rooms of Hearst Castle’s Casa Grande

    When you choose to tour the Grand Rooms of Casa Grande you get a peep into what it must have been like to be a guest at Hearst Castle. Grand indeed >>...
  • Hearst Castle,

    What’s up there at the famous Hearst Castle

    This palatial house on the hill is a showcase of William Randolph Hearst's art collection: sculpture, tapestry, furniture, even doors, ceilings and building facades. ...
  • MondayMural: How Crow Became Black

    For this week’s Monday Mural, is an interesting mural from Three Rivers, California. I spotted this mural at the Village Centre in Three Rivers, when we went out to lunch at a Mexican Restaurant in the town. The mural seemed to say, ‘TRUS 2009 with Nadi Spencer’ and I...
  • Thousand Lakes Wilderness mural

    Found in Burney: Thousand Lakes Wilderness mural

    This Thousand Lake Wilderness mural was found in Burney, California. Burney is a small townĀ in the SouthernĀ Cascades in Northern California. It lies somewhere between Mt. Shasta and Mt. Lassen, two famous volcanoes of the Cascade Mountain Range.Ā  We were in Burney,Ā CA in the summer, when we’d made a trip...
  • luggage installation art

    Found in SeaTac: Rainmaker’s Baggage

    A few years ago, while we were waiting at the SeaTac International Airport in Washington, I came across an eye-catching installation art near one of the luggage carouselsĀ at the airport. It was a line up of vintage suitcases and bags. The luggage seemed to be strung onto a steel...
  • Countryside mural, Kettleman City

    Found in Kettleman City: Countryside Mural

    This countryside mural was found at the Eagle Feather Trading post in Kettleman City, California. The store itself is in a barn-styled building. It made a fun stop. The Trading Post is quite an attraction by itself. It’s in the middle of nowhere, or almost. If you are driving...
  • Bruce Ariss mural in Cannery Row

    Bruce Ariss art: Across from Doc’s Lab

    Across from Doc’s Lab is a mural I came across just off Cannery Row in Monterey, CA. Look at this picture and you will see what looks like a scene from ‘back in the day.’ Ā Now, if you’re familiar with Cannery Row – the book, chances are that this...
  • Sundial Bridge

    Is this Sundial Bridge one of Redding’s best kept secrets?

    You canā€™t have not heard about the Golden Gate Bridge. And youā€™ve probably heard about the Bixby Bridge and Bay Bridge, even the San Mateo and Richmond – San Raphael bridges in CaliforniaĀ if you are familiar with the state. But thereā€™s a lesser known bridge in Redding that ought...
  • ‘Mack and the Boys’ of Cannery Row

    IĀ found these six men on a wall by the Monterey Bay Coastal Trail in Monterey, California. If you look at it closely, you might see some men from another age. According to John Cerney, ‘cannery workers from the 1930s’ are the subjects of this work of art. But if...
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