Found in South Bend, Washington; an entry for Monday Mural on 'Colourful World.' ...
Monday Mural -- A mural by Bryan Valenzuela, from Modesto, CA. See it and read what this is about ...
Found on a farm in Brentwood, California. For #MondayMural...
Monday Mural -- Found in San Francisco, California...
One for Monday Mural -- Queereos -- Found on Octavia and Market Streets in San Francisco, California. ...
On a recent trip to San Francisco, as we were driving through Pine Street a deep-red wall caught my eye. The wall was attractive by itself but this one had some pretty pictures painted onto it. Here’s sharing the artwork from Royal Liquors & Wine, whose building it was....
A mural with a map of California, found on the streets of Guadalupe, CA. ...
Found in Sacramento: Some utility box art. Would you know the name of the artist behind this piece of public art? For Monday Mural >>...
For Monday Mural -- A mural by artist Wyatt Hersey. Point Reyes Station, California....